Every year I submit my latest work to national and international contests.
By hovering your mouse over the photos you can read more info, or simply click to enlarge and read about the results.
2023: Highly commended Landscape category Groene Camera
2023: Runner-up Landscape category Groene Camera

2022: Runner-up in the international NPOTY contest (Lage Landen category)

2022: Category winner international NPOTY contest (Lage Landen category) and Highly Commended in the Bird category of the national Groene Camera contest

2022: Highly commended black&white category Groene Camera

2022: Highly commended in the international Asferico contest (plants & fungi category)

2021: Winner Plants & Mushrooms category Groene Camera contest and 2022: Highly commended in the international Asferico contest

2020: Runner-up in the bw category of the international Nature Photographer of the Year Contest (NPOTY)

2020: Highly commended Shaped by the sea contest organized by Theo Bosboom

2019: Highly Honored in Nature’s Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards

2018: Bronze medal One Eyeland Awards

2016: Third place Euronatur Contest (Germany) and 2015: Shortlisted by SIPA, the Siena International Photography Awards (Italy)

2016: Gold medal Narava Contest (Slovenia) and 2014: First place Birds category National Photo Contest in The Netherlands

2015: Shortlisted by SIPA, the Siena International Photography Awards